I think I would like to quote Yvonne over at Nellie's Niceties when she explained her reasons for joining in:
"It is such a good idea to share with like minded people your plans to finish projects and then look back to see what you have all, hopefully, achieved. Or at least the steps toward finishing that you have taken."
The idea is to list your WIPs (proposed finishes) at the beginning of the quarter and link to Katy's 'linky party'. Then, during the quarter as you complete your projects you can blog about them or post photos on Flickr linking back to the 'finish linky party'.
So without further a do here is my list:
1) Maddie's cushion: This will be a replacement - unfortunately the first one I made (shown in the photo on the left) was stolen from the car while we were on holiday! I have made several of these already and they have gone down very well with the little people they belong to. I have completed the top, cut out the sides and base, but not started the rest.
2) Arthur's cushion: Similar to Maddie's cushion, but actually a little further on. I love these bright colours ... I find I struggle to get inspired by fabrics for boys sometimes.
3) Alex's hexie quilt: Some of these hexagons were started over 30 years ago by my hubby's mum. She died too young in early '82 and I was given the unfinished hexagons and cardboard templates during a clearing out session a few years ago.They came in a bag of stuff with a "could you do something with these?" suggestion, from my SIL who knows I like sewing. I have already split them up and have added more. I made some into a cushion for my SIL and I completed a smaller quilt for my niece so she had something of grandma's to keep.
4) Paletina pillow: This shouldn't be too difficult, the front is finished, everything is cut out. I have the zip and just need to sew it all together.
5) Alex's curtains: The material is Bacall, purchased from Laura Ashley in the apple colour way, ready for a newly decorated bedroom that without these isn't quite finished yet. Not a good photo, it's all in a plastic bag.
6) Maddie's Cardigan: Knitted and partly sewn up, the project isn't finished as I'm not happy with the edge of the hood, so I've had to pull it out and need to reknit it on smaller needles.
7) Draft excluder: A prototype I started to test out the heat 'n' bond. I have the houses appliquéd but have not completed the details on the doors and windows so they need doing before I can sew it up and use it.
8 - 12 are based on a design from Kellie at Don't Look Now called Worry Dolls I have cut out all the little people resembling my nieces and nephews to make them cushions:
8) Stanley's cushion: A footballer to go with his bedroom.
9) Arthur's cushion: A footballer to go with his bedroom.
10) Georgiana's cushion: A girl (looks like her).
11) Maddie's cushion: A girl (made from fabric from her baby clothes).
12) Thomas's cushion: A footballer - Thomas is my colleagues little boy, he's 3.
13) Alex's skirt: I bought this cute Paris fabric with a plan to make her a skirt for the summer. She's quite fussy though and I'm not sure if she's quite sure what she wants yet ... this will be interesting.
14) Georgiana's cardigan: Started about 7 years ago this will no longer fit my daughter so it's heading for my niece. It just needs a ribbon and some appliqué flowers. I hope it doesn't take me another 7 years to finish!
15) Puddlejumper 1: Started last year, I was really happy with this - until my niece tried it on. She's long in the body and it was clear this was going to be too small for her to wear over warm clothes, so it got abandoned. This photo was taken at the cutting out phase:
16) Puddlejumper 2: Started last year at the same time as the one above, all I did was cut this out. It got packed away with the one above and I forgot about it until I found it the other day!
17) Daisy Kingdom coat: This Simplicity pattern (2778 on the left) was one I fell in love with and bought several years ago but I could never find double sided fleece. When pink/orange reversible fabric turned up in a local store (The Shuttle) I bought it and then couldn't locate where I had kept the pattern! I think the design is the same as pattern 4515 (on the right) which is shown in the type of fleece I have bought. I know a couple of folks have made it already and it looked great (some Flickr photos of Charity's coat).
18) Wigwam: I must get round to making a few of these for the summer. I have some fabric and plans in my head but have not yet drafted the pattern. I feel excited about this but I know it will take up a fair bit of space to 'manufacture' them. This photo came from a Laura Ashley photo shoot and was in the 2009 catalogue .... doesn't it make you feel like packing up for a picnic?
19) Georgiana's cape: Alex has one that she loves and would like her cousin to have one to dress up with her in when they go 'adventuring' in the garden. The Vogue pattern needs adapting slightly for size but the fabric and trimmings are ready.
20) Postage stamp quilt: for years I have been 'salvaging' 2" squares from scraps of material that are left from other projects or are simply not big enough to make anything else from. I'd love to turn these into a quilt similar to Red Pepper's quilt in this link Postage Stamp Quilt Tutorial. She made hers from strips.
21) William's quilt: This was started over a year ago with the intention of it being ready for my son's new room. I did not have a studio at the time and it came out in the bedroom occasionally if I could set up a space to work in, or I would take it on holiday. It has been stored away waiting for me to get back to it, I have a ton of excuses as to why it has not been first on my list however it is denim and heavy so since I broke my elbow earlier this year I haven't even attempted to do any more with it. He has now been in his room a good 3 months ... I will have to attempt it once I feel I can manage. (Maybe a little at a time.)
22) New conservatory cushions: Nick bought a conservatory suite second hand and although it was described as in excellent condition ... the covers were truly shocking! I have some Laura Ashley fabric left from curtains I made in our house in Hull which I think will do the trick nicely and brighten it up for the springtime.
23) Baby quilt: I was delighted to hear yesterday that a former colleague of mine has had a baby boy. He sent me a picture and I popped into the Maternity unit tonight for a little peak. Don't you just love an excuse to make a baby gift? I have pulled some fabric tonight ... as if I haven't got enough to complete!
24) Embellished washcloths: I bought some Krama washcloths from Ikea the other weekend after I came across a great post from Probably Actually here: Divided baskets. I think Nova Flitter is actually responsible for the inspiration, although I can't find any elephant fabric which seems to be a must.
25) Scrappy Floor Cushion: I want to make use of the scraps I have saved, sewn together and not made anything of yet. I thought a floor cushion would be a good idea.
I think this will be enough to share of my WIPs ... for now! Thanks Nessa for the reminder, I noticed you have completed one of your projects already!